
约翰·昆西·亚当斯(JQA) lived the early part of these years in Newburyport, 在帕森斯的指导下阅读法律. 不学习的时候, 他喜欢活跃的社交圈,也就是在这段时间里,JQA经历了第一次心碎,他和纽伯里波特本地人玛丽·弗雷泽(Mary Frazier)的恋情失败了. JQA体系经常 谴责自己 因为他这些年没能坚持写日记, 同时也哀叹他的日常生活没有什么有趣的内容可以填满他的书页. Completing his legal studies in July 1790, JQA relocated to Boston to establish his law practice. 虽然他的法律事业起步缓慢, JQA eventually achieved modest success in what he believed would be his life-long profession. 然而,这是JQA的 写作技巧 on contemporary issues that brought him public acclaim by 1793. JQA为波士顿报纸撰写文章,这些文章在国内和国际上重新出版. 这些著作提升了他在美国的地位,并使他在1794年获得了第一个外交职位, 乔治·华盛顿总统提名他为美国总统.S. 驻荷兰公使.

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约翰·昆西·亚当斯(JQA) left the United States in 1794年9月 to begin his diplomatic career. 在他第一次到荷兰出差期间, JQA成为欧洲事务的敏锐观察者,并向美国发送有关国外事件的详细报告. 然而,JQA发现他的 保留个性 was ill-suited for the obligatory attendance of foreign diplomats at the whirl of balls, 方, 以及在海牙举行的法庭活动. 1797年,JQA搬到了柏林,他的下一个国际职位. 在那里,他在1799年7月签署了新的《og体育平台》,完成了他的主要外交任务. As JQA found success as a young diplomat, his private life flourished during these years as well. 1797年7月,在订婚14个月后,他与路易莎·凯瑟琳·约翰逊(LCA)在伦敦结婚. 这段关系给JQA的生活带来了很多快乐, LCA身体不好, coupled with a series of miscarriages during the early years of their marriage, 沉重地压在他身上. Shortly before learning of his recall to the United States in April 1801, JQA 和 LCA welcomed the 他们的第一个孩子出生了乔治·华盛顿·亚当斯(GWA).

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1801年9月,约翰·昆西·亚当斯(JQA)从欧洲回到美国,在马萨诸塞州和华盛顿开始了他职业生涯的下一个阶段, D.C. Adams was elected to the Massachusetts state senate in 1802 和 the U.S. 1803年的参议院, where he had a contentious relationship with his fellow Federalist Party members because he often 支持反对党的政策民主党和共和党. After he voted for President Thomas Jefferson’s unpopular embargo in December 1807, 1808年6月,联邦党人控制的马萨诸塞州立法机构决定在他参议员任期的最后一年替换他. 从1806年到1809年,他还担任哈佛大学博伊尔斯顿修辞学和演讲学教授, 撰写并发表36篇系列讲座, 最终都出版了. 在这几年里,他和他的妻子, 路易莎·凯瑟琳·亚当斯(LCA), welcomed two additional sons into their family; John Adams (JA2) was born in July 1803 和 Charles Francis Adams (CFA) in August 1807. His personal finances suffered a change after the 1803 failure of the London banking firm of Bird, 野蛮人, 和鸟, with whom both JQA 和 his father 约翰·亚当斯(JA) had heavily invested. 这让JQA years of practicing extreme economy to repair his pecuniary losses.

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约翰·昆西·亚当斯(JQA), along with his wife 路易莎·凯瑟琳·亚当斯(LCA) 和 their youngest son Charles Francis Adams (CFA), set sail in 1809年8月 to begin the next phase of his diplomatic career. JQA做了一个痛苦的决定,离开他们的两个大儿子, 乔治·华盛顿·亚当斯(GWA)和约翰·亚当斯(JA2), 在美国继续他们的教育. 他在圣. Petersburg as the United States’ first minister plenipotentiary to Russia, JQA, who was 深受皇帝亚历山大一世的喜爱, closely followed the battles of the Napoleonic Wars raging throughout Europe. 当美国在1812年对英国宣战时, Adams watched from afar as the conflict dragged on for two years. 1814年4月, JQA前往根特, 比利时, as part of the American delegation to negotiate an end to the war with Engl和; the 根特条约是在平安夜签署的. 1815年5月,JQA搬到伦敦,作为美国的顾问.S. 圣公会牧师. 詹姆斯. His two years in the British capital were among the happiest of his adult life as the Adamses were 最终与GWA和JA2重聚他们已经将近六年没见过他了.

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约翰·昆西·亚当斯(JQA)于1817年3月5日被任命为詹姆斯·门罗的国务卿.S. 同一天参议院. 作为美国.S. minister to Britain at the time, JQA did not assume his duties until 1817年9月22日. His first term as secretary of state lasted until 3 1821年3月. During these years JQA sought to organize 和 respond to all State Department correspondence, 由于不断有访客到他的办公室寻求帮助或找工作,工作进展缓慢. JQA worked closely with European diplomats on formulating American foreign policy; his most notable diplomatic successes during this period include the Anglo-American Convention of 1818 that established the northern U.S. 沿北纬49度线与加拿大接壤 1819年亚当斯-奥尼斯条约 (横贯大陆条约).S. 收购佛罗里达州. 除了外交之外, JQA的职责包括监督1820年的人口普查, 研究并撰写一份有关度量衡的报告, 任命外交候选人, 领事, 行政职务. 在他的私人生活中,JQA在华盛顿特区社交.C., with political leaders 和 his wife Louisa Catherine’s (LCA) extended family. For exercise, he swam in the Potomac River 和 took long walks. He also mourned the loss of his mother, Abigail Adams (AA), who died in 1818.

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约翰·昆西·亚当斯(JQA)在詹姆斯·门罗第二任总统任期内(1821年3月4日- 1825年3月3日)继续担任国务卿。. During these years JQA formulated the policy that became known as the Monroe Doctrine, 其中美国呼吁欧洲不干涉西半球,特别是新独立的拉丁美洲国家的事务. 在1824年总统选举结束后,《og体育平台》也密切关注着美国的政治格局, JQA是其中的主要竞争者之一. When no c和idate obtained the majority of votes necessary for election, 投票落到了众议院. JQA体系最后 赢得了1825年2月的比赛. Throughout 1821–1825, JQA’s family remained a significant private concern. 他的三个儿子在哈佛大学学习成绩很差, 和 his wife Louisa Catherine (LCA) continued to suffer from bouts of poor health. JQA坚持春夏游泳、秋冬散步的锻炼计划,并努力坚持写日记——由于他的工作日程繁忙,每天办公室访客的数量不断增加,这是一项艰巨的任务.

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约翰·昆西·亚当斯(JQA) served as the sixth president of the United States from 一八二五年三月四日 直到1829年3月3日. JQA开始了他的总统任期,在整个四年里,他雄心勃勃地提出了改善美国社会的议程. 然而, 安德鲁·杰克逊的支持者, who believed their c和idate had unfairly lost the 1824 election, 不停地工作以挫败JQA的计划. 在国内, JQA refused to replace civil servants with partisan supporters, 他的政府卷入了克里克族和乔治亚州之间的争端. JQA在外交政策上也没有取得成功, 因为国会的党派争吵未能及时为参加1826年巴拿马泛美会议的美国代表提供资金. 1828年总统选举期间的政治诽谤尤其激烈, 并通过 1827年5月,JQA意识到他不会再次当选. 在他的私生活中, JQA sought escape from the pressures of the presidency by his continued exercise regimen, 和 he developed a love of botany from time spent in the White House gardens. 他继续为妻子身体不好而担心, 路易莎·凯瑟琳·亚当斯(LCA), 对他父亲的死表示哀悼, 约翰·亚当斯(JA), 谁死于1826年, 还有他的大儿子乔治·华盛顿·亚当斯(GWA), 谁死于1829年.

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约翰·昆西·亚当斯(JQA)于1831年12月进入美国众议院,成为唯一一位后来在该机构任职的前总统. 这次选举使亚当斯很高兴 more than any of his previous positions, including the presidency. 在他执政的头三年里, 他曾担任众议院制造业委员会主席,并帮助起草了1832年的折衷关税法案. 1832年3月和4月,他还在众议院委员会任职,该委员会前往费城调查美国银行的活动. Disagreeing with the committee’s majority report against the bank, JQA于5月14日撰写了自己的少数派报告. 对反共济会党越来越感兴趣, 1833年,亚当斯竞选总统失败 该党竞选马萨诸塞州州长的候选人. 在此期间, JQA还哀悼了两位亲密家庭成员的死亡:他的兄弟托马斯·博伊尔斯顿·亚当斯(TBA)于1832年3月13日去世 他的二儿子约翰·亚当斯二世(JA2)于1834年10月23日去世. 这两人的死亡给JQA带来了重大的经济责任,因为他试图支持他们的寡妇和孩子.

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约翰·昆西·亚当斯(JQA)赢得了“雄辩老人”的绰号,因为他继续在美国众议院任职. 他经常在众议院提出反对奴隶制的请愿书,并在口头上反对通过《og体育官网》 1836年5月1837年12月, a protest he continued until the rule was finally rescinded in 1844. 亚当斯还反对吞并德克萨斯共和国, 和 in 1838 he gave a marathon speech condemning the evils of slavery upon American society. 这种反对奴隶制的言论使他的妻子感到不安, 路易莎·凯瑟琳·亚当斯(LCA), 和他的儿子查尔斯·弗朗西斯·亚当斯, 和 both urged him to distance himself from the cause of abolition. 的 bequest of Englishman 詹姆斯 Smithson was the other national issue that occupied his time. JQA served as chair of the nine-member House committee that reported on the bequest, 和 he 马丁·范布伦总统恳求道 to use the funds to create a national research organization in Washington, D.C.它最终成为了史密森学会.

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约翰·昆西·亚当斯(JQA)在继续担任美国众议院议员的过程中,越来越坚定地反对奴隶制. 早在1839年9月, he agreed to offer advice in the case of the Africans who revolted aboard the Spanish slave ship 友谊. 次年十月 他加入了 友谊 辩护团队准备在美国法庭上陈述案件.S. 最高法院. JQA delivered oral arguments before that body in February 和 March 1841, 和 the 法院于3月9日作出了裁决,宣布 友谊的非洲人 是免费的. Continuing his fight against the Gag Rule, Adams faced another 1842年初众议院的谴责听证会, ably defending himself against the charges from southern congressmen. Now in his seventies, JQA realized that while he was physically 和 mentally slowing his desire to stay involved in public life had not diminished. This was particularly true after the ascendency of John Tyler to the presidency, 亚当斯强烈反对其支持奴隶制的政府.

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这些年来,约翰·昆西·亚当斯(JQA)继续在美国众议院任职. 1844年12月,他提出了一项成功的决议,最终在众议院废除了禁言规则. He voted against both the annexation of Texas in 1845 和 the U.S. 1846年向墨西哥宣战. 十多年来,他一直坚持将詹姆斯·史密森捐赠的资金用于合法的科学目的, JQA很高兴看到詹姆斯 K. 波尔克于1846年8月10日签署了史密森尼遗赠法案. 亚当斯在这段时期忠实地继续写日记, even as his health deteriorated 和 affected his ability to pen his own entries. Starting in September 1845, he, at times, relied on amanuenses to whom he dictated entries. 1846年11月,他最后一次当选国会议员, 当月晚些时候,JQA脑溢血. He slowly recuperated 和 returned to his seat in the House in February 1847. 一年后,1848年2月21日,这位政治家昏倒在众议院的地板上,两天后去世

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